MARS WAR - by Nathan Lineback Uploaded by Xaser Special Note: I downloaded this megawad quite a while back, and I found it quite good. However, it wasn't available on the archives, and the only place to find it was on the author's homepage, which has now disappeared. So, I've decided to take the liberty of uploading it to the archives, so everybody else can enjoy it, too. Also, for some reason, the original author didn't put his e-mail address in, so if you have any comments, e-mail me at No changes have been made to any of the original files, except for this minor text modification, so none of this is my work. If you want to thank me for something, just credit me for getting this wad to you in the first place. Anyway, have fun and enjoy, except you might not want to play this if Microsoft is your idol or something crazy like that. :P Have fun! -Xaser THE STORY (basically an extended version of the description below) You are a Martian terraformer stuck in a small station in the middle of nowhere. Since the beginning of the terraforming project, the United Organizations of Earth have been threatening to take over. Recent events have prompted an invasion from Earth, only something went wrong with their new "space-warp" capable ships... that were built by some company with the initials "MS". However, the earthlings were able to hijack a Martian Transport ship and modify it to suit its needs, and now they have come to invade Mars. Anyway, back at the station, You suddenly get a distress call from a fellow martian: "Help, the Earthlings are destroying all our cities and are slaughtering anyone in their path! You must call for help, it is our only hope... What the...? Oh, My God! Ahhhhhh!" Then you hear the sound of explosions and crunghing bones, then the transmission ends. You try to call for help at the Alpha, Theta, and Beta bases, but nobody answers, so you figure that they must have been taken over as well. Suddenly, a huge "BOOM" noise fills your ears, you look out the window and see a crashed ship. You look closely and are relieved to find that it's a martian ship, but then, a blood-splattered earthling steps out. Suddenly, you realize that you must be the only one left, and that the whole future of the Martian race rests on your soldiers. You then vow to stop the earthlings and not let a single one of them live. The invasion has begun, and only you can stop it now. As you can see, I'm not so good at story writing. :P Original text file follows: ================================================================ Title : MARSWAR.WAD V2.0 Author : Nathan Lineback Email Address : none Misc. Author Info : These are some old levels I did a while back I felt like doing something anti M$, so I blew the dust of my old copy of DEU and had at it. I would have done something with Quake, but I just don't have the time. All the levels just lead up to the last one, so if you want a quick anti M$ fix, then warp strait to MAP30. Description : You are a Martian terraformer stuck in a small station in the middle of nowhere. Since the beginning of the terraforming project, the United Organizations of Earth have been threatening to take over. Recent events have prompted an invasion from Earth, only something went wrong with their new "space-warp" capable ships... that were built by some company with the initials "MS". Additional Credits to : Everybody ================================================================ * Play Information * Map # : All Doom 2 levels. Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes < not tested Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes < not tested :-( Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : One New Musics : Yes New Graphics : Yes Demos Replaced : All * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Maps 15, 20, and 25 are based on existing Doom 1 levels that I enhanced for Doom 2 Build Time : All eternity. Editor(s) used : DEU 5.21 DJGPP/GO32 & a hacked up WAD Known Bugs : I fixed a bug with a lift on map 12 (replaced the lift with a teleport). That was the only known bug in 1.0, so there should be no bugs now, but I have not had a chance to really test 2.0. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. Sorry, but this WAD is pretty much complete. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: Other: Levels in this WAD ------------------------------ MAP01: TERRAFORMING STATION -Big open level MAP02: THETA BASE -GET THE PLASMA GUN! MAP03: MANUFACTURING PLANT -Who's initials are those? MAP04: ALPHA BASE -The center of the project! MAP05: CRASH SIGHT -Crashed UOE ship MAP06: BETA BASE -Get the BFG! MAP07: INFESTATION -Check out the floating stuff MAP08: BUNKER ZERO -Clean this place out! MAP09: DEATH MANAGEMENT -Small, fun level MAP10: TRANSPORT SHIP -HUGE Martian ship MAP11: UOE DROPSHIP -There is more to this UOE ship.. MAP12: UOE OPERATIONS - EARTH -You find yourself on EARTH! YUCK! MAP13: UOE WAREHOUSE -Medium sized warehouse MAP14: UOE CIVILIAN CENTER -Exciting detailed level MAP15: THE FRINGES -Doom 2 conversion of MOONBASE MAP16: ENLIGHTENMENT -Check out the floating toothbrush! MAP17: UOE COMMERCIAL SECTOR -Totally surreal MAP18: THE EDGE -Not a serious level MAP19: FOUNDATION -Deep underground level MAP20: LAND OF THE LAME -What i did to this level is what is so lame... MAP21: HIGHWAY TO HELL -The UOE city is consumed by hell! MAP22: XEROX -Cacodemons xeroxing their butts. MAP23: THE GATES OF HELL -Level is big enough for anybody MAP24: 83' EAST -Check out my TI/99/4A expansion unit. MAP25: 1984 -Another Doom 2 convertion. MAP26: MAXIMUM SECURITY -Bizarre computer junk yard. MAP27: MARKETING -Dont get your head blown off... MAP28: DOOM USER INTERFACE -DUI! MAP29: CHOICES -Some choice... MAP30: THE HEART OF EVIL! -BILL!!!!!!! MAP31: WOLF 3D -My old version of Wolf 3D map 1 MAP32: HELL LABS -Contains a zoo.